What factors can impact Resilience?
A number of factors can impact Resilience
Matsen (2015), has identified ten of the most meaningful factors contributing to the development of resilience in children and adolescents.
These include having:
Building Resilience
The American Psychology Association also identifies the following four factors associated with building resilience, including:
Teaching autistic students to develop social skills, independence, problem solving skills, self-control and emotional regulation can positively impact on their wellbeing and their capacity to become more resilient.
In teaching such skills, it is important to consider that, although many of the challenges that autistic students encounter may stem from their social communication and co-occurring difficulties, many of them also result from an inadequate person-environment fit and insufficient contextual adaptions so that their difficulties do not derive from the person per se but from the fit between the individual and the contexts (Lai & Baron-Cohen, 2015).
Forming Relationships
Brenda Myles highlighted the importance of having caring and supportive relationships within the family and school environments as being central to building resilience.
Relationships that are formed on the principles of being caring and trusting, providing role models, inspiration and reassurance, which help to strengthen a student’s resilience.
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