Case Studies

Case Study AG (Interoception)

  • Mainstream primary

AG is an eight-year-old girl with a diagnosis of autism who attends a mainstream primary school. She enjoys taking pictures of animals but has a particular interest in cats. She likes to go for long walks with her family at the weekend where she can bring her camera and take pictures of things that interest her along the way.

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Case Study JM (Anxiety)

  • Mainstream post-primary

JM is a twelve-year-old boy with a diagnosis of autism, who attends a Mainstream Post Primary school. He has a keen interest in animals, particularly his pet gecko which he takes care of. He also has interests in books, Pokémon Go and riding his bike.

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Case Study F- (Emotional Regulation)

  • Mainstream post-primary

F is a 13-year-old girl with autism who recently transitioned to post primary school. She attends an autism class within a mainstream school.

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Case Study BK- (Interoception)

  • Special unit

BK is a twelve-year-old boy who attends a special unit within a mainstream school. He has a diagnosis of autism and learning difficulties. BK enjoys watching planes and trains in person or on TV. He has a great sense of humour and finds great joy in most school activities.

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Case Study KT- (Anxiety and Dysregulation)

  • Special school

KT is a 14-year-old boy with a diagnosis of Autism and moderate to severe Intellectual Disability. He attends a special school setting.

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