
Image of child playing with playdough

Emotional Regulation

Some emotional regulation issues are a response to sensory input. Supportive strategies for managing sensory input and an exploration of sensory issues in autism can be found in the Centre’s sensory resource (link out to Sensory Processing resource).

Interoception has been termed the Eighth Sensory System (Mahler,2015). The management of the Interoception sensory system will be discussed later in this resource. There is significant overlap between the interoception approach and the sensory management strategies addressed in the Centre’s sensory resource.

To find out more about Interoception and Self-Regulation: click here.

To download a factsheet on Interoception: click here

Sensory Issues and Interoception for the Individual

Teaching about interoception can support the child or young person in understanding their responses to stimuli in the environment. 

Click here to gain an explanation of the link between interoception and emotional regulation.

Through understanding their own responses children and young people can begin to foster some control of their responses and develop new supportive strategies.

Brenda Myles explains in this video how parents and teachers can support an understanding of interoception for children and young people.

This can support the development of emotional resilience as discussed by Brenda Myles here. Some strategies for teaching interoception awareness are found on this information sheet please click here.

Further reading on Interoception

Mahler, K. (2017). Interoception: The Eighth Sensory System. Kansas: AAPC Publishing

Mahler, K. (2017). The Interoception Curriculum. Strategies for teaching Interoception.

Strategies for teaching interoception awareness are can be found here.